Shift - Part 3 (What do we do now?)

It was the burning question clients asked me during the pandemic.

It was a question I’d eventually have to ask myself.

Like all globally significant events, the pandemic created an equal number of opportunities and challenges. Outside of the devastating impact it had on people’s lives and livelihoods - and I will not be alone in having family and friends who lost their lives to the virus - it gave all of us the chance to reset and re-evaluate our lives. People had more time with their close family. Parents had more time with their children. Individuals set out on their own personal change projects: to get fitter, eat healthier, learn new skills and reconnect with their local community. I can honestly say, for me personally, the last eighteen months have been more positive than negative.

From a business point of view though times have been extremely challenging. I have a client in Asia who I was due to work with in Feb 2020 and it’s still unclear when the situation will be suitable for us to reschedule the event. Running a training business with clients around the world and where fifty percent of the content has to be delivered face to face to ensure its impact is almost impossible. The UK government’s decision to offer no support to SME’s whose structure is based on Directors paying themselves in dividends has left 2.7 million people with uncertain futures. Many of those businesses have already gone to the wall. I was fortunate enough to keep enough cash reserves in the business to manage such uncertainty. Others did not have that luxury.

Like most self employed people I know, we are both resilient and perversely attracted to adversity. Conditions that permit us to unleash one of our greatest strengths: adaptability. In the last 18 months I’ve written four novels, one boxset, three audiobooks, redesigned two websites, moved house, got a summer job building marquees and, mostly notable, relaunched my business, In-Sell.

Time to take stock.

I wanted the business to move forward, and that’s not always easy to do when your diary is full. I wanted to play with new ideas, new products and new approaches while retaining the factors customers valued most. I also wanted the company to be more of a force for good than it had been in the past.

Introducing the new In-Sell.

  • Four key product offerings: Insights, Training & Consulting, Coaching and Books.

  • Updated training ideas, concepts and tools.

  • Social responsibility: discounts for start ups, free training for charities, 10% book profits to cancer research, carbon off-sets for international travel and 95% less printing.

  • Free online resources.

  • A series of books and audiobooks to enhance implementation.

  • Off-line and on-line training options.

Everything we’ve built is designed to help you optimise sales, something we’ve been doing since 2010. Now, it’s time to grow again.

If you’d like to discuss your own objectives and how In-Sell can help then get in touch to book an exploratory discussion.


Why can’t they sell value?


Shift - Part 2 (Diversify or Diminish)